Sam Field

This entire website has been coded by me


I'm handsome, I know



I have lots of school badges.


A man of many talents

I'm Sam. A handsome young man with many interests. My interests, hobbies and talents include: Website coding, Technology, Filmaking, Film Editing, Photography, Movies and sports. Here on my personal website you will find everything you every wanted to know about me and my work.

My Interests

Computor Programming

I taught myself to code in HTML, CSS and Javascript when I was 12 years old through youtube tutorials. I now use that knowledge to code my own websites.

Film Making

I developed a passion for filmaking due to my love of cinema. I have created many films and it is my dream to become a professional film director. You can view my work here


Ever since I got my first smartphone, I've been experimenting with it's camera. Playing around with the angles, composition and all to take some beautiful shots. I then upgraded to a proper Canon DSLR camera which allows me to shoot some of the most stunning photographs imaginable. You can view my photographs here


I love to act. I have been performing on stage since I was 8 years old. I especially love to play the villain.


I love to sing. I also have a huge love for music. I have singing lessons and am in my school choir.

Open Water Swimming

I have been swimming in the sea almost everyday since 2020. I swam through my first winter when I was 13 years old. My coldest swim was 0.5 degrees C which I suffered extreme hypothermia from.


I love to game on my xbox. My favorite games are DayZ and Minecraft. I especially like to play with my friends where we get up to all sorts of silly stuff.

My Blog

Updated Recently

View my personal blog here

My Websites

Website Count: 7

View my hand-coded websites. I have websites for my photography, films & more.

Extras Page

Extra Pages: 8

View my extra pages to see my photo galleries, awards, competitions, grades, quotes & so much more.



Need help?


Get in touch with me

Somerset, UK
Phone: +44 7544 517988
Email: samfield16@outlook.com
My Linktree: Linktr.ee/bigmansam69